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OAXRAY has a ROBUST amount of data available to it's users.
Over 5,000,000+ products in over 900+ online stores!
OAXRAY Testimonials
Johy Cyscon III,
"I have been fortuante enoug to have been using OAXRAY since beta. In my opinion, it is as indispensable for my OA purchases as UPS Smart Pick-Up is for shipping. I can succeed without either tool, but OAXRAY can cut my sourcing time from four hours a day to 30 minutes. I honestly believe every OA buyer can benefit from this if they take a few days to learn how to use it."
Stephen Gmys
Arbitrage Expert
"Started using the OAXRAY Extention last month and went from 20% OA to over 50% OA in my inventory.
It is the absolute simplest way to source online - OAXRAY. Best invention since the Scanning App.”
Ken Szovati
Reseller Central
"OAXRAY is THE sourcing tool that I use most often. I haven't seen a better way to analyze literally hundreds of different items at one time yet!"
Travis Ross
Arbitrage Expert
"OAXRAY does in one search what it takes a VA an hour to do. If time is money, then it's hard to put a value on it.”
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